Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Portal - Seepia

Artist: Portal

Title: Seepia

Label: Crush Until Madness

Format: Pic Disc

Pressing History: 1000

Review: Seepia is the first full length album from Australia's otherworldly Portal. The sound is a little more pimitive than their latest effort, Outre, which has a much better production to capture their blackened cacophony. That's my only complaint, and I really shouldn't complain since this band is on another plane in terms of death metal. No band on the planet can touch the unsettling atmosphere that they create, possibly with the exception of Immolation. Portal is lightyears smarter than Immolation in terms of aesthetics though, as you'll see from the artwork and packaging. Let's just say that if the film Begotten had a death metal soundtrack, this would be it. Seepia may be a little to avante-garde for the average Deicide fan, but if you are into the experimental side of extreme music, pick this album up right now! Overall, 2 stars for the packaging and 2 more for the music: 4 of 4 stars.

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